
For research projects, please email me for my resume.

Measuring Collaboration in Minecraft: Interactive Heatmap

This study aims to analyze Minecraft player behavior by collecting player data such as movement, actions, chat interactions, and much more. Given these data points, we plan to build tools to analyze and visualize certain aspects of this data where we hope to see complex emergent behavior that can then be studied and applied to real-world situations. We also intend to use the data we will be collecting from our Minecraft server for training models and possibly predicting player collaboration. Data that is kept will only be used for research and visualization, none of the player information collected is personally identifiable. The results of this study will be presented by our team at the end of Senior Design II in Fall 2021.

The Story Teller

The Story Teller is an Arduino/Python/AI powered robot to tell generated stories! The robot part itself will be LED arrays that are used to create a face like animation for telling stories, on a servo mount to turn and look at people, all powered by the Arduino. The python part controls the voice, which uses Google’s text to speech API, the Arduino to send commands over serial, and a GPT-2 model for generating the stories. The model will be trained on a corpus of short stories. The Story Teller is a final project for my Robotic Systems class.


uKnight is a student companion with mild social media components to help students during their university journey. We aim to do this by: Finding and connecting students who share similar courses, interests, and goals through their semesterly course schedule, expressed degree program, and interests. Connecting the UCF calendar and other known calendar sources into a centralized location that recommends events to attend. Integrating somewhat known information, like locations that apply student discounts, have periodic markdowns, needed academic forms, and the like.

Knights Discounts

Knights Discounts is a website to help UCF students find discounted food, entertainment, and transportation. The website includes: Restaurants that have student deals and a description of the deal oàered An interactive built-in calendar that displays which restaurants have specials Weekly updated coupons for certain grocery stores Where and how to get discounted entertainment and transportation as a student.

My Father’s New Arm and Leg

I know that there are currently many options available when it comes to prosthetics, but most of them are really expensive. I have been doing my own research for many months and one day intend to build my father the perfect prosthetics, without them having to cost an arm and a leg.